

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Growing a Business from a Seed

Growing a Business from absolutely nothing but a web address, is a very hard thing to do. I appreciate the efforts of entrepreneurs and their willingness to put themselves at risk and share a dream that in many cases, is not shared or seen by others. The odds of success are astronomical. Even the odds of receiving a steady paycheck are higher than anyone would believe. Being able to dream, conceive, give birth, stay focused, paint pictures with words and sell something that is a promise is an art.

Having said this, I am amazed how fast and how strong FohBoh has become in such a short period of time. I am proud of the website, our level of success, my partners and team. They dare to be great and believe in the dream and share our risk every day.

Entrepreneurs that dream and accept risk are a special breed. It's also what helps make America great. It's here I feel compelled to say "support your local entrepreneur" because s/he might just change the world.