

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Simple Syrup

Taking charge is providing leadership on a mission for a specific purpose. Gifted leaders automatically take charge; it's just natural for them to do so. A few months ago, I attended a weekend retreat that taught leadership and relationship skills. In one of the segments, we learned how to place personalities in four quadrants; analysts, promoters, supporters and controller. That was interesting and a bit self effacing. I learned that I was a cross between a promoter and a controller. Like a good bull shitter and a control freak…sounds like a sales manager to me.

This was really enlightening…really…because there were a lot of screwed up people in this weekend leadership class. Of course I wasn’t one of them.

Some of the most valuable life lessons come from simple ideas and exchanges. I met some really interesting folks that weekend and formed one great friendship…after staring in his blue eyes for almost an hour. Yes, that was a drill and it was intense.

I also learned a valuable management lesson while listening to people and “sizing them up”. There are three ways to manage people:

1. Push them to achieve
2. Pull them to meet their goals; or
3. Hit them over the head with a baseball bat

Knowing which to do whom when is the key to successful management. So, in some cases, do all three. It’s okay to mix and match…as long as you have established where they are on the quad.

So, analysts are real slow but careful thinkers that hate to shop. That was interesting, s I started to frame my personal and professional relationships around this new thought. Kind of like a procrastinator…at least that’s the view from the control freaks perspective. They are in the top right.

Below them is the support group, the nurturers. They’re not really just a bunch of whiners. More like kind, good field reps or a good lieutenant and probably some of your most loyal best friends. Again, it’s your perspective. If I was an analyst not a controller/promoter (bullshit sales manager-type) my perspective may well be different because controllers always tell the truth.

The promoters, bottom left of the quadrant, are more dominate and to the point. The “one call closer” type. Let’s “giter-done” so we can do something else type. Great space for entrepreneurs, restaurateurs, sales, marketing and other professionals. Now, the funny thing was not one of the 30 or so folks in our session was honest enough to place himself or herself in the controller position; upper left. People wanted their friends and spouses to go (the real control freaks) into the quad…but NOT THEM. Not one person made the leap. A couple were on the line between promote and control but never crossed the line to honesty.

This was enlightening for two simple reasons:

1. People are generally full of shit and dishonest with themselves and;
2. No one wants to be perceived as a control freak.

By the way, simple syrup is that gunk bartenders use to sweeten cocktails, especially a good Irish coffee. It's water and sugar...honestly!

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