

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Next Big Thing

The interesting thing about this blog is that it's like's about nothing really. Whatever is on my mind I can post. The power of publishing. A lot of blogs cut and paste from other blogs and then comment. Others borrow from YouTube (I've even done this a few times) to add punch and some cool rich media. So after a year, and dozens and dozens of postings on a variety of topics (original mid you), I feel like I am getting closer to becoming more of a specialist blogger.

So here's my short list:
#1. Bitch about how cruel the venture capital industry is an how cruel the venture process is was considered. But, that whole industry is screwed up enough with many, many venting sites. I have a lot of experience and have a lot to say about this and even have a prediction. Perhaps a few more generic blogs will occur before I transition to a SBFC (specialist blogger first class), but the teaser blog has a name...Googdaq the new market for Web 2.0 companies.

#2. The new record industry. Boy, I have great access to a lot of insiders and even invested in a start up digital media company. This is still a possibility.

#3. Restaurants. I love this industry but no one in the restaurant industry reads, so probably not a good blog concept.

#4. Becoming 50. That's an on-trend topic with a lot of curious potential readers. I have a lot of ideas, since I'm 50 and all. Things like dealing with aging parents, adult children, feeling like you're old, dealing with aches, pains, stiffness, poor eyesight, sense of confusion on career, looking for a new career, a job, feeling lonely, retirement, money, etc. Lot's of issues, lot's of information.

#5. Life lessons geared to the 18-25 year olds demographic. They are so dumb about everything except how to communicate on multiple levels using two thumbs. They can't balance a check book, cook dinner or clean a house...I could go on, and on and on...perhaps this is why this could be a good blog, blah, blah, blah. Maybe parents will visit my life lessons blog and get tips on how to related and educate and maybe kids will too. Maybe we can send the blog via SMS so they'll get it, read it and pass it on. Maybe...

I have four or five others on the short list, but these are the top 5. Well, the other is about nothing, like my current blog. Just random thoughts, original prose on things that matter to me at the moment. What do you think? What's your recommendation, 1,2,3,4,5 or give me an idea.

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