

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Three Jobs

Ok, since my last post was in January, I thought it made sense to start talking again. Most f my blogs these days are in the form of musings at FohBoh, or in a bi-weekly newsletter called In the Window. But that's all business. Bailiwick is about life, not just business.

This post s about having three jobs at a time when 10% of the workforce doesn't have even one. I have to ask you what are you waiting for? A phone call?

While I have always manifested my own destiny, I have had help along the way. We all have. It's just knowing when to grab opportunity or ask for help.

I have three amazing jobs.

1. CEO at, the leading online professional community for the foodservice industry
2. CEO at, the next real interactive food community that connects the professionals to the consumer.
3. Senior advisor to Noble Communications, the largest foodservice advertising agency in the U.S.

Amazing and grateful, I am. So, why my good fortune? I simply decided to start associating with the right people and played to my strengths, leaving any weakness I have in the barn. I decided to go to work rather than let work find me. I decided to take action, to focus and avoid the naysayers. I decided to have a positive attitude and start thinking big. I took action and created momentum.

Along the way, I get to meet amazingly talented people and make money while creating wealth for my family and shareholders.

Some people say not everyone can be a self-starter, or an entrepreneur. Bullshit.

Step 1: Go buy non-perferated card stock at the office supply, find the business card maker application in MS Word, and make a card.

Step 2: Buy Strengthfinder 2.0 at the bookstore and re-discover your strengths

Step 3: Go to Wordpress and start a webpage about your consulting practice (it may take a day to figure this out. But, hey, yu have time right?)

Step 4: On Wordpress or Blogger, start a blog. Search for your industry blogs and join the conversation.

Step 5: Get on the phone. Go to work. make something happen. Give it 60 solid days of hard dedicated work and I promise you you will make money. Don't wait for the phone to ring.

Monday, January 19, 2009

44 is a good number

I've always loved the number 44. It just seems, well, neat, tidy, organized, balanced and just. Google 44 and you get a list of blogs about 44. In numerology, many experts believe that master numbers are just 11, 22, and 33, not 44. I disagree. The number 4 is generally associated with work, and practicality. Two 4s equal 8, and 8 in Numerology is a good advanced representation of no. 4 - leadership, ambition, material success.

Master numbers include double digit numbers 11,22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99. They are called Master Numbers because there is inherent masterful, or extraordinary promise symbolized by them. This energy is far from mundane and instead largely other-dimensional.

Here are a few fun facts I pick up surfing around.


The Number 44

Prime Factors of 44=2x2x11.

44 is an Octahedral Number.

44 is an Truncated Octahedral Number.

44 can be Partitioned 63261 ways.

44 can be Partitioned 23 times with each term no larger than 2.

44 can be Partitioned 184 times with each term no larger than 3.

44 can be Partitioned 816 times with each term no larger than 4.

44 is the number of derangements of 5 items.

The maximal number of regions into which a plane can be divided by 7 circles=44

The Chemical Element Ruthenium has an atomic number of 44.

Edgar Cayce's "44 Laws of Spiritual Development".

Film: 44 Minutes: The North Hollywood Shoot-Out.

Well, maybe it's me, but I still just think its a nice, neat, balance sequence and I am just trying to find a cool way to say
I hope Mr. 44th hits a home run...ASAP.