

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Embarka Music Portal is getting closer to launch...

What if there was a way to reinvent a whole industry. How powerful and exciting would that be? The Internet changes everything and forces one to evaluate basic and mature methods of conducting business. While the Internet has yet to figure out how to deliver a pizza... physically anyway, everything digital can be however. My favorite subject and industry lately is digital media. In connection with this, I co-founded embarka digital media last January because I personally believe that all media will be delivered digitally in the future making broadcast television irrelevant and CD's obsolete. If this prediction is true, then I want to be part of this shift.

We are all pretty excited around the embarka offices these days and not just because it’s Christmas. Alpha 15 was delivered 25 days ahead of schedule using 33.3% of the original budget. We are raising the second round $1 million we need to bridge us and the Beta until we complete the management team and secure our $5 million Series A beginning in January. We have a valuable tool set, an eBay marketplace wrapped in a MySpace social network business plan that leapfrogs the competition. A lot of domain expertise and a keen sense of the market have fast-tracked this.

So, thanks to our 8 programmers, 7 seed investors, 6 months of planning, 5 business models, 3 great attorneys, 2 project managers and 1 great idea…and a musician in a pear tree.

Recently I had a conversation with an entrepreneur who also believes in this vision. We started out discussing blogs and the fact that a new blog is started every 0.8 seconds. We then moved quickly to discussing the billions of web sites that occupy space on the Internet. This is exciting! No shortage of customers here. This tells me that personal digital publishing and user generated content will be the standard in the future for communicating thoughts and perspectives on any subject matter. I want to be part of this too.

A new venture for Bailiwick Consumer Group, my little think-tank, fundless sponsor and corporate development company, is SnapMags Personal Publisher. SnapMags is a cool patented digital conversion tool that will enable any person to create digital magazines from personal content and embed them on their blog or web site. Why is this so cool? Well, personal media is viral and by socializing personal media in a magazine format where links to support your content may be included, personal content suddenly become interactive and fun to read in a familiar magazine-type format. So, upload a story, add rich media and relevant links to a Christmas message, or personal travel log and send invitations to your friends. No image reader to download and no barrier to entry…FREE. SnapMags may become a video, photo and travel journal; a business plan, a selling document, a business brochure or book that personalizes and publishes creative works in an interactive way.

SnapMags will power this little application for up to 6 pages for free. Did I say free? Users/readers may then click on the link to the SnapMags web site to learn more or upgrade to premium services at less than $2.00 a page for bigger publications. Pretty cool, powerful and viral. But, wait there’s more. SnapMags will also help with behavior recommendations for rich media…music, video, hobbies, travel, etc. Using search and sort algorithms to manage the collection of data, users will have unique access to relevant information that may ultimately affect their purchasing behavior. Google does this with Gmail...look to the right of your Gmail email browser and see several sponsored's not a coincidence that those paid links are topical.

Looks like an advertising and transaction model using a fun application that can easily be embedded into billions of web sites and blogs…I like that too!

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