

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Excuse me...I am not too old to be funded!

Click on the above link to the NY Times article.

The environment for today’s entrepreneurs is far different in a number of ways from the boom of the late ’90s.


Amazing...never thought it would happen but it is official, there is age discrimination in Silicon Valley and that's a fact. I hear it over and over. But people are genuinely afraid to mention it, talk about it or blog about it. True, it's their money (they actually think it's their money) so they can make any decision they want. But really, are the over 30 crowd all washed up? Are we out of ideas? Do we really not get that information super highway thing? Is it true we can't be trusted over 30? Or, are we all looking for the senior special at Denny's and a price break at the movies? Give me a break.

I'm researching this and asking anyone and everyone to collaborate on this BS. I want to write about first or even second-hand experiences with this topic. Hell, I'll take gossip. Please make this post a collaborative effort so don't just make comments. Send me your stories, and if you want, your name and a photo. This is for the over 30 crowd. The ones with experience, access, resources, ideas, capital, energy, track record, references other than a professor and an RA and a mind of our own...or is that what they are afraid of?

The venture community, at least my sampling, worries me. They all seem to have the same mindset and web 1.0 comes to my mind. Sure the environment is different, the exit strategies are less explosive and harmful, but still, not a lot of original thinking. I posted Pink Floyd's the wall from YouTube™ because this is how I see them. Start at about 2:00 min remaining and you will see my point. Even more interesting, the Wall was filmed in 1982, about the average age of the average founder of the average technology start up backed by the average least in the Valley.

Click on the following two articles for more information:

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