

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Worlds' Best Hamburger?

Now this is an interesting question and probably fairly subjective. Some will say "it’s outdoors, cooked on your BBQ, while surrounded by friends and family...drinking an ice cold beer". Others will say “Thad B at BOB's restaurant, with extra sautéed onions and six tomatoes". No doubt, someone will say "McDonald's" - subjective for sure and maybe even controversial.

But really, what is your definition of a great hamburger. Which condiments do you like? What is the best type of cheese? Choice of bread; toasted or cold...sesame seed bun or English muffin? Best type of vegetables and toppings. It's up to you Wimpy!

Please forward this on to your friends, family and co-worker then send me your thoughts.


Well, one of my projects for 2007 is to launch the world's best gourmet hamburger restaurant with two of the top restaurateurs in the country...they will no doubt want to know your thoughts. So, please tell us about your fantasy burger, your favorite type of fry and include your email address. When we have the results and a location for our first World’s best hamburger restaurant, we’ll let you know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Erik says that the World's best hamburger restaurant is named In-n-Out Burger:)