

Monday, February 5, 2007

Focus and execute

Whatever happened to being able to focus and execute? Being focused requires one to not multi-task. Focusing means putting what you are working on at the center of your attention. Once you have focused on this one thing…then execute. Simple?

No. Life doesn’t work that way. Not today. Not with Blackberries and Apples. Not with cell phones and PDAs. Not with laptops and email. Not at our pace and not in this century.

Are we fundamentally better off now than we were 20 years ago? I wonder. Technology is shaping our lives and I wonder if I really like where we’re headed. Yes, I do have more freedom and flextime…to work longer hours. I sometimes feel captured by the attention my gadgets require. I can’t hide. But, I don’t have to be in the office either. Good trade off?

So, I did an experiment. After catching myself talking on the cell phone and sending an email with my Blackberry…while driving from Reno to San Francisco, I said this has to stop. I canceled my T-Mobile service and my Blackberry. I did miss it. But, my business hasn’t evaporated and I did survive, and not just a potential car crash!

I think we should pace ourselves a bit more, leave the cell phone and Blackberry in the car once in a while, and try to focus and execute a little more too.

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