

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Bitch Slapping Rude

According to the Urban Dictionary, bitch slap is putting someone in their place (or diss) in no uncertain terms. I want to whack rude out of our society and help make courtesy and manners more mainstream.

This post is about that...bitch slapping rude. The first step is being able to identify it, write about it and talk about it. Then, we may be able to recognize it and prevent it from occurring.

Object lesson
Coming home from a rock concert last night at about midnight there was a huge crowd of people jockeying for position as we exited the parking lot. While most of the drivers were lining up, a few ill-mannered folks were trying to cheat and cut in line to save 20 seconds. Horns were honking and generally, the high from the cool summer concert was lost by a few ill-mannered, rude drivers disrespecting others. Come on, get in line, relax and be courteous.

So, what's your experience?

> Driving
> Shopping
> Working
> On an airplane
> Giving a presentation
> Having dinner
> ??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So perhaps it is more about the basic disrespect of human life that is the undercurrent. People have become more ruthless, less considerate and more "me first" than ever. Is it 6+ Billion population or the basic breakdown of society in general? Wait, I think this is what my parents said about my generation....