

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Apple, Inc.

I love Apple. I love their attitude; I love their passion, their quality, their fruity colors, their zeal and their founders' genius and arrogance. Steve Jobs, what a piece of work. Let's review; Apple, Pixar, iPod...iPhone, what's Next! :-) and the balls to launch a product that is already owned by over 2 billion people. Like we need another cell phone. However, genius is fun to watch and who else could do this…P.T. Barnum? The iPhone is brilliant and iCannot wait to have one.

I went to high school with Steve. Okay one wish… I wish I had been nicer to Steve and stayed late in electronics class and became friends with him and Woz. Who knows, maybe I could have been an early employee at Apple. Employee 99, that, would have been cool. But no, I had to do the water polo thing for the girls and anyway, I had zero interest in technology...boring!

We all make mistakes. We all make decisions that we can't reverse and, at one time on another wished we could go back to a certain date for a do-over. I have few of those. One in particular is related to stock options and how fast they go up...and down! But that’s a long story.

Making good decisions and learning from that; accepting responsibility and being accountable for whatever may result is a key life success factor. That's maturity. Wishing is like making hope a strategy, dumb! Wishing is a waste of time. I wish I could get a date. I wish I had a better job. I wish I had more money. I wish George Bush would make a good decision. Stop wishing and start doing. Take some action…it’s 100% up to you.

Dreaming is a good idea though. It helps bring clarity to what you want and visualizing is absolutely the right thing to do. However, hoping for a result that favors you or anyone else is a waste of time. Instead, take action, make good, thoughtful decisions and live with the outcome...good or bad. You will make good decisions. You will also make bad decisions that affect your life for with it. Learn from it and make better decisions and, never look back because you cannot change anything, only learn and grow from it.

Making decisions carefully does not mean be indecisive. A decision not to make a decision is a decision… not to make a decision...really! You can’t help but make decisions, even if you’re a procrastinator.

Apple, Inc. made a decision 2 1/2 years ago to make an Apple phone. They denied it, distracted all of us, avoided announcements and put huge penalties on anyone that leaked. But here we are, with the Apple iPhone ready to sell beginning in June. They still don't have ownership of the name... not that owning the brand name before a big marketing push is important. Only Apple and Steve Jobs would make that decision. I do find the decision to announce a name change interesting though. Apple, Inc. just told the world that computers will be just part of their product mix in the future...not their only product. I for one welcome the new Apple, Inc. as a consumer products company melding technology with digital media. Walt Disney, Henry Ford, meet Steve Jobs.

Thanks Steve…I wish we could have been friends ;)

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