

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Turning 40

No, not me...been there, done that.

Turning 40 is indeed a right of passage. Forty is 10 more than 30, 10 less than 50. Kinda like a teenager of middle age.

Generally at forty, you are not anywhere near where you expected to be...geographically, financially, physically, mentally, spiritually or creatively. It's a time to reflect…gez, how pedantic. No, really, it is a good time to take a moment. It’s a good time to think about who you are, who your friends are and re-evaluate what you stand for. It’s a good time to count your blessings and be grateful for what you have, not wallow what you don’t have. It’s a good time to defend your position and assess your first 40. Set new goals, make new friends, and purge that database of meaningless relationships in favor of your new social and business network. Create a profile on MySpace and Linkedin...could be fun! Commit to taking better care of your body, your mind and your spirit and start eating better. Exercise more, read more and drink more red wine. Call your parents more and send a real card through the mail once in a while, and not just at Christmas. People really like that.

I dreaded my 40th. I didn’t get my Porsche. I survived. My wife is turning 40, she doesn’t want a Porsche…imagine that! Kim’s cool though. She looks 30 but is 40. She’s a breath of fresh air. She’s honest, kind to strangers, healthy, happy, and isn't afraid to tell people what she thinks. Happy birthday sweetie, enjoy the next 40.

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